I am Ayush The

I specialize in Web Development and MERN-Stack

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I Specialize In

Web Developing as well as creating digital masterpieces and UI layouts for websites and mobile applications


Javascript , often abbreviated as JS , is a most love langauge for making page interactive . It is used in both frontend as well as in backend.Just love this lang...


Designing and Developing frontend of the Website/App is the most loved part for me , of my entire development process.It requires creativity and a bit of innovation.


Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe Inc.It is just so much fun to play with graphics in this tool.I just love to create logos for my website in this.


Creating a responsive and interactive website/App is some much fun and satisfactory for an end user expereance.

  • Clients
  • 4
  • Certificates
  • 3
  • Hours Worked
  • 120
  • Projects Completed
  • 10

My Creative Process

All of my UI/UX and design projects are based off of a practiced formula to get the result that I am looking for


Discuss The Project

It is the initial phase of development where the idea of requirements of the client is concidered and discussed.


Brainstorming ^ Concept

Brainstorming combines a relaxed , informal approach to problem solving with lateral thinking.


UI/UX Planning

Now the UI Designing is done before building the actual Website or App.



Interaction is done again with the client before development is stated to get things right.